US3 (Spartanburg) is still very pleased with the Case Controls. I do not have history on energy savings. Our consumption has steadily gone up over the last few years with equipment modifications, higher production, less attention to leaks, etc… I can say that we are presently using about 3.5 of 4 compressors which means they run at MMA a lot of the time. Prior to Case all of our compressors had a MMA setpoint of 53 amps. But with Case I have seen MMA as low as 47 to 48 amps (according to the condition of the machine) in the cooler months. So it would be safe to say that for at least 6 months out of 12 we save 5 amps at 4160 vac 3 phase on the 3 Case Controlled machines. –> 3 mach x 5 amps x 4160 vac x 1.73 = 108 kw, –>108 kw x 24 hr x $.05/kwh x 30 days = $3,888 / month.
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