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A Plan that comes with a Guaranteed ROI

Our unique and customized process eliminates the risk of not getting what you paid for.

  • Our initial conversations are centered around your existing plant and what your specific goals are. We start by gathering information on your current compressed air system equipment, operation times, and power costs. We use this information to get a reliable estimate on the operating cost of the current plant’s air system.

  • Our onsite walk through helps us determine how much power each unit is consuming, document the different pressures in the system, get an overview of the main headers, and look for demand side opportunities.

    This step allows us to provide an estimate of your savings opportunity.

  • Our engineering audits are thorough and provide you with a comprehensive report of all related energy expenditures.
    Measuring storage capabilities, response to air demand changes, wasteful applications, leaks, and more are all assessed during an air audit. This process allows us to present a fully customized and detailed Solution Proposal.

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